Saturday, 1 December 2012

A better, faster, easier, more PROFITABLE SBI! means a Successful and Profitable Online Business for YOU!

1) 2 New SBIer Interview Videos

This week we unveil 2 new videos featuring REAL conversations with SBIers...

These may prove to be some of our most real-world practical videos to date. Just like our Case Studies, these videos get to the HEART of what it takes to achieve online success with SBI!...

Click Here for Video Case Studies:

2) Shiny New SBI! Releases!

Another week, another flurry of new SBI! releases to help YOU build up the value proposition in your business...

1. Pinterest Follow

SBIers can add a Pinterest Follow button to all of their pages with a click and some customization. Site visitors will then be able to follow both a site's Pinterest boards and pinning!

2. Access to the Section of Pages

There has been a growing need for this as the number of third party add-ons to web sites grows. Examples of what this enables SBIers to do to make their sites ultra-flexible are...

o put Google Analytics code in the head, where Google wants it

o add ownership verification meta tags for Alexa, Google Translate and many others

o insert custom CSS stylesheet references (i.e., in addition to style.css)

o add unlimited javascript functionality through refs to external js files

o blend in a wide variety of third party products, such as ShareThis's share bar

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

SBI! enhancements will be rolling out for SBI! and BB2 for months to come!

Site Build It! and BB2 are in a constant state of development. Each addition to the arsenal of tools at your disposal puts them on the doorway to success faster and easier than ever.

And the promise of a better, faster, easier, more PROFITABLE SBI! means a Successful and Profitable Online Business for YOU!

Check out BB2- Block Builder 2 and the ensemble of process, tools, updating, and guidance that drives success and out-compares anything else...

SBI! Case Studies