Friday, 7 December 2012

Some incredible knowledge on a very HOT topic... Infopublishing!

Some incredible knowledge on a very HOT topic... Infopublishing... 

Infopublishing is on FIRE right now. 

Creating amazing, original content is the foundational first "stone" in the CTPM e-business building process...

And, it's a way to generate traffic, interest, signups and SALES!

In the END, that's what it's all about...

Great content leads to Sales.

Sure, that's drawing kind of a straight line from "A" to "B" but it's a good way to think about it.

Get attention. Get clicks. Get Sales...



Special SiteSell Promotion

Saturday, 1 December 2012

A better, faster, easier, more PROFITABLE SBI! means a Successful and Profitable Online Business for YOU!

1) 2 New SBIer Interview Videos

This week we unveil 2 new videos featuring REAL conversations with SBIers...

These may prove to be some of our most real-world practical videos to date. Just like our Case Studies, these videos get to the HEART of what it takes to achieve online success with SBI!...

Click Here for Video Case Studies:

2) Shiny New SBI! Releases!

Another week, another flurry of new SBI! releases to help YOU build up the value proposition in your business...

1. Pinterest Follow

SBIers can add a Pinterest Follow button to all of their pages with a click and some customization. Site visitors will then be able to follow both a site's Pinterest boards and pinning!

2. Access to the Section of Pages

There has been a growing need for this as the number of third party add-ons to web sites grows. Examples of what this enables SBIers to do to make their sites ultra-flexible are...

o put Google Analytics code in the head, where Google wants it

o add ownership verification meta tags for Alexa, Google Translate and many others

o insert custom CSS stylesheet references (i.e., in addition to style.css)

o add unlimited javascript functionality through refs to external js files

o blend in a wide variety of third party products, such as ShareThis's share bar

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

SBI! enhancements will be rolling out for SBI! and BB2 for months to come!

Site Build It! and BB2 are in a constant state of development. Each addition to the arsenal of tools at your disposal puts them on the doorway to success faster and easier than ever.

And the promise of a better, faster, easier, more PROFITABLE SBI! means a Successful and Profitable Online Business for YOU!

Check out BB2- Block Builder 2 and the ensemble of process, tools, updating, and guidance that drives success and out-compares anything else...

SBI! Case Studies

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Slick new Block Builder 2 additions continue to fly out of the SiteSell Labs...

BlockBuilder 2
Source: SiteSell

Latest Block Builder 2 (BB2) Releases-
This week, we want to tell you about two more value-adds you can use to build up your Site Build It! Value Proposition...

1) Rounded Corners (Site Designer)

Several parts of your selected style can have borders.

Wherever you can add or remove borders, you can also have rounded corners now to further customize your site's look.

2) Shadows (Site Designer)

The Callout Box and Reminder Box also have a new addition to the toolbar... Shadows.

You can now make them look like they're floating above your pages by adding some shading.

Why are these new mini-releases important to YOU?

We are determined to make this the best sitebuilder in the world, one that you're continuously proud to recommend.

Each week's enhancements get us closer and closer to that goal...

You will have an agile, easy-to-use POWERHOUSE of a Web-building system that improves with every new release.

It's all-new for the same old price and the best just gets better and BETTER!

Friday, 9 November 2012

Stalin Banishes Inventor To Siberian Gulag 25 Years For Figuring Out How To Solve ANY Problem...

Point and Click Problem Solving Tool Solves Any Problem in 5 Steps...

Marlon Sanders just released a report called:

"Stalin Banishes Inventor To Siberian Gulag 25 Years For Figuring Out  How To Solve ANY Problem"

Read it here:

So you think you have problems?

*  Problems with your money?
*  Problems with finding your target market
*  Problems with building your list
*  Problems with your relationships
*  Problems with your work

If you have problems related to your activities as an online marketer or entrepreneur, or you have other pressing issues and problems that steal your money, time, energy, focus or enjoyment in life, then this might be the most important report you'll read this year.

Point and Click Problem Solving Tool Solves Any Problem in 5 Steps...

Friday, 5 October 2012

Brand New Value-Adds Puts You on the doorway to business success faster and easier than ever...

Brand New Value-Adds For SBI!

Two new Site Build It! (SBI!) features were released.

Each provides a click-easy way to boost YOUR Productivity and Profits.

1. Twitter Follow

A sharp looking Twitter Follow Button can be added to all SBI! site pages with a mere clicks or two. Customize it with the follower count. In seconds, visitors are following you on Twitter!

2. Pin It!

Pin It! brings one-click ease to adding Pinterest's Pin It button to any image on any BlockBuilder 2 page. Drag the Image Block to your page and select the photo you want. Click the checkbox to add the Pin It button, then type a description for pinners to use. It's that simple!

These are just 2 of the absolute FLURRY of enhancements rolling out for SBI! and Block Builder 2 (BB2) in the coming months...

Every add-on and new module means more VALUE stacked on to your SBI! Website.

SBI! and BB2 are in a constant state of development. Each addition to the arsenal of tools at your disposal puts You on the doorway to online business success faster and easier than ever.

And the promise of a better, faster, easier, more PROFITABLE SBI! could mean an Incomes bonanza for YOU!

Put BB2 alongside the ensemble of process, tools, updating, and guidance that drives success and out-compares anything else...

... and watch your Profits skyrocket!

The all-new SBI! has been taking people's breath away!...

"Powerful stuff! [BB2] and Site Designer turn SBI! into a driver's supercar. Now we have the oomph of BB1 and the ooooooh's of BB2."

"Even a technical no-hoper like me could see that having a site that attracted motivated traffic was waaaaay more important than a sexy site with little or no traffic. Now we have both great looks and traffic!"

"CLUNK (the sound of a jaw dropping and hitting the desk)! You have reinvented the wheel and made it a whole lot rounder so we can go a whole lot faster."

"SBI! makes mind-blowing promises and then overdelivers on them. Love it!"

Pack the VALUE into your business piece by using SBI!'s new features!

It's a strategy that WORKS!


Sunday, 29 July 2012

Block Builder 2 (BB2) is taking e-business building to an unprecedented level...

The Block Builder 2 (BB2) rollout is rolling!

While existing users have experienced some bugs, it's been smooth sailing for new SBIers (Site Build It! Users), those who have not yet built a page.

The BB2 is much more than just a module. It's an entirely new platform. Some interaction between the original platform (which still hosts many modules) and the massive BB2 (on the new one) were virtually inevitable. The techs are working like crazy to fix those impacted.

Some of the BB2 Features:

i) Sitewide Dots

Sitewide Dots allow SBIers to add common site-wide elements to every page with
one-click ease. They make global changes fast and easy, giving incredible control over the look and feel of your site, instant site-wide addition of ads, etc.

Adding site elements like Social Media buttons becomes a breeze. Just click and drag. In a heartbeat, you've changed your entire site.

Imagine doing this with with any other DIY Web site builder. What used to take days now takes moments in BB2.

ii) Re-Usable Blocks

Re-Usable Blocks allow you to save commonly-used site elements. With click-and-drag ease re-use them anywhere in your site.

If you use anything more than once on your site, turn it into a Re-Usable Block to recall it. Then simply move it into place without having to ever re-create it again!

iii) The SiteDesigner

Forget about paying for designers or expensive templates.

The BB2 SiteDesigner lets you use "out of the box" templates and then customize any of the hundreds of Web site designs loaded into BB2.

Want to change the entire look of your site?

With BB2 it takes mere moments to do what would take hours with any other method of site design.

Just choose a great looking template and go. Or, feel free to customize it and make it your own. Either way, it's quick and easy to apply it to your entire site.

Click Through for More about BlockBuilder 2 (BB2):

The benefits of time-saving features like these are obvious. You can build their e-businesses quicker AND easier than they ever could before.

Instead of being mired down by the mechanics of site construction OR page
construction, SBIers can devote more of their time to building the REST
of their profitable businesses.

BB2 fulfills the promise of letting e-business builders concentrate on what's truly important... The CTPM Process.

And NOT on learning another "language" or technical skill in order to realize their dreams of achieving something better.

And naturally, it stays true to BB1, which is still the only sitebuilder that trains you to build a page that is both visitor-pleasing and optimized to be found by Google, Bing and other Search Engines.

BB2 is taking e-business building to an unprecedented level.

There's ZERO risk for You to try SBI! today... And checkout BB2.

Feedback from new BB2 users has been tremendous!

For example, this comment coming through SiteSell Support speaks volumes...

"I would like to take a second to thank the whole SBI! team and community
that made BB2 possible. I just started using it on my new site, and WOW!
It is just so much easier, it really is unreal. Very good job everyone!" -Salvatore Gaglio

There's even more enthusiastic feedback in the SBI! Forums like these 2 posts...

"To all you experienced SBIers - I'm now hooked just like the rest of you.
I'm having so much fun writing my pages and matching up photos I've been
searching for and downloading.

Got my L&F, customized the header with a photo of my own. Can't actually build my pages, though, since I have an existing online presence and timing is everything just now. I will break out with at least 10-12 pages ready when I switch over - a few more days and I'll be ready.

Kudos to all for SBI and BB2 and the forums and the wonderful people at support, and huge hugs to Ken, who 'owns' it all so personally - and that is what makes all the difference!"

-Barbara from

"WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... Am I the first one to see the BB2 and posted in the forums? Just wondering :-) I am LOVINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG IT" :-)

-Faraz from

And folks are loving the new Site Central!

Click Through for More about BlockBuilder 2 (BB2):

BlockBuilder 2

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Use Google Penguin For Online Business Profit...

Last week's Penguin shakeup was meant to cut down on "webspam" and nefarious practices like link "cloaking" or keyword stuffing.

These are what the Web community calls "black hat" SEO methods. Penguin has been rolled out to stop these folks in their tracks.

Historically though what also happens during sweeping algo changes is the rest of the Web feels its ripple too. Some much more than others.

SBIers (Site Build It! Users) have been affected. But after some heavy analysis and rational advice, SBIers will not only recover, they will thrive.

Remember when Google's "Panda" update tore through the Web? 

SBIer traffic is now up over 26% after an over 8% drop.

Those are INCREDIBLE gains!

Why such a large traffic increase? 

After Panda, SiteSell led the first of its kind "Panda Recovery Report" exclusively for SBI! owners.

It's not the kind of thing you'll see larger companies do for their customer communities. WordPress barely batted an eye, leaving WP users scrambling to figure out what to do on their own.

You know what they say. "You get what you pay for"...

Click Here to see the difference between Wordpress and Site Build It!

We're excited to create increasing value for SBIers by providing them with bigger and better offerings... Like Block Builder 2.

And we couldn't be happier when a customer hits a personal triumph with the help of SBI!... Check Out some Results!

Any company *could* do these things. It's good business. But we take it a step further when Pandas and Penguins land on YOUR doorstep.

Even though we're eyes-deep in launching BB2, with every company resource stretched paper-thin, we've halted many projects in order to focus exclusively on getting SBIers through Penguin fallout.

Not because it's good business. But because we care about your success and the success of each and every SBIer.

You stand behind SBI! and so do we. And when adversity hits, we don't let folks simply figure it out on their own. We're deeply invested in the success of each and every customer.

And in YOU!

SBI! Case Studies

SBI! Proof

And then, compare SBI! on Your own...

Turn Penguins into Swans laying golden eggs. Click-KaChing!

WordPress Or SBI!e

Friday, 27 July 2012

The SBI! Case Studies are detailed, verifiable online business success stories...

What makes SBI! Case Studies so powerful?...

When folks read stories like these, the first thing that hits them is that they've never read anything like them anywhere.

The second thing they realize?...

They see themselves in one (or more) of the stories and begin to think maybe they could do this too.

And with SBI!...

They really CAN!

People love the Case Studies. So many SBIers comment in the forums about how the Case Studies convinced them to "take a chance" and purchase SBI!.

These are NOT blurby testimonials from "Joe(sephine), Phoenix, AZ."

These are NOT raves from the same bunch of Internet Marketers (what we call "the usual suspects," when we see the latest-greatest "hot, hot thing" come out).

The SBI! Case Studies are detailed, verifiable online business success stories.

They started years and years ago and are updated regularly, proving how SBI! builds genuine, long-term, evergrowing businesses that set people free, full-time, just like these folks.

SBI! Case Studies

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

CTPM contains the essential building blocks to online success...

You can't really have a conversation about Site Build It! without discussing SBI!'s underlying philosophy...

It's all about CTPM- Content, Traffic, PreSell, Monetize...

Without the proven CTPM process the majority of folks trying to build a
business online simply spin their wheels. Sites and blogs become lonely
backroads instead of highly trafficked super highways.

C = Well-written, original "C"ontent

T = Organic, hungry-for-knowledge "T"raffic

P = Develop trust and OVERdeliver by "P"REselling

M = "M"onetize warm, willing-to-buy ("PREsold") visitors

It's this foundation that makes SBI! so incredibly powerful.

CTPM is the catalyst for some of our greatest success stories...

Without that bedrock foundation, everything else is simply building on sand.

Discover More about CTPM- Content Traffic Presell Monetize:

SBI! CTPM Process

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

SBI! to empower you and your business to succeed at unmatchable rates and levels...

This year, Site Build It! (SBI!) has gone to some exciting heights with these new releases...
1) Quick Upload It!

2) Special File Manager

3) Site Info (complete overhaul)

4) C2 Quick Approve

5) Face It! (v1 and 1.1)

6) Socialize It! Release 2 is imminent.
These non-step innovations, and the constant updating of process/information, enable SBI! to empower you and your business to succeed at unmatchable rates and levels...

Year after year, it keeps getting BETTER!

And, year after year, an SBIer's advantage grows. While others try to figure out what's new, how to use it, which new tools to buy... SBIers just keep going... and growing!

A better SBI! means a better value proposition in YOUR business.

All you have to do is to take a look under the hood...

See the results>>>

And meet all the lives changed by a "product" that enables thousands of folks to master the Web -- and their lives...

Case Studies>>>

What's next? You ain't seen nothin' yet!

There are a ton of updates, upgrades and innovations in the hopper for SBI!, including the most ambitious release EVER...

BlockBuilder 2 ("BB2")!

NOW's the time for YOU to building the increasingly irresistible "value proposition" business that SBI! delivers.

BB2 is like taking the best of Wordpress, Weebly and Yola, adding hundreds of new Looks and Feels, simplifying it all down into a sleek and fun builder...

WITHOUT losing what made the original BlockBuilder so strong and successful.

Some SBIers say we'll have to pry the old original BlockBuilder out of their cold, stiff fingers. We think they'll love BB2 when they see it! :-)

The Web changes fast. And so does SBI!. But one thing that stays constant is SBI!'s continuous innovation. SBI! keeps its owners on the leading edge, wihtout them having to waste a second or dollar more.

THAT's a value proposition that's hard to turn down.

Of course, you could boil it all down to ONE proposition...

"What's the value of success?"

Most people fail online, wasting year after year on the next shiny red ball. Meanwhile, SBI! integrates ONLY the correct AND important "shiny red balls" into SBI!, giving SBIers a larger advatage year after year.

SBI! is the coolest, most up-to-date product on the Web.

Just because it's still "SBI!" does not mean that it's out-of-date. The average SBIer is more up-to-date in DOING what is important, and certainly more successful, than most folks who read Net marketing all day long.

Site Buid It! (SBI!) is The simplest, most effective way to succeed>>>


Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Non-techs, ordinary people who have been empowered to do EXTRAordinary things online...

Site Build It! (SBI!) Results Page has become a mini-directory of some of the most well-done, informative sites in the world. There is no limit to the niches you can conquer.

Here's a great quote from a forum post...

"There are ALWAYS opportunities. Find the right one. Execute well, starting with the niche you pick and how you position it, and then all the way through.

THAT is why half of the 10 metaphorical DAYs of SBI! are devoted to everything you do before you type your first word of your site, even though the last 5 DAYs will amount to 99.999% of the time your put into growing your business."

The Results landing page goes beyond the heart-connecting stories like those featured on the SBI! Case Studies...

It digs deep in a different, albeit analytical way and provides straightforward, bonafide PROOF that SBI!- Site Build It! does what it claims.

It makes its case very simply...

SBIers achieve success. Not just better than most. Better than almost ALL!

Many of these people are non-techs, just "ordinary" people who have been empowered to do EXTRAordinary things online.

They get the kind of numbers that any professional webmaster would drool over. And the more congested the Web gets, the STRONGER SBIers become.

"Regular people" are leaving professional non-SBI! Webmasters and SEOers in their dust.

That's the power of the SBI! process... ANYone can find real, verifiable, online success.

This is big news for YOU!

It's all the proof you need that SBI! is for real. Real traffic. Real results.

"Where else have you seen results like this?"

SBI! Results

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Have YOU Been Hit By Penguin?

By SiteSell

Google is at it again...

As is the norm when Google scratches an itch, millions of sites are affected. Some more than others.

Last week we saw Google's latest algo change, code named "Penguin." But unlike its namesake, Penguin isn't so cute.

Although Penguin was meant to cut down on global "webspam", it has left more than a few SBIers- Site Build It! Users scratching their heads as they watch their site's traffic decrease.

But the great thing about being an SBIer (you already know if you are one), is that you've seen this before -- and so have we.

Remember last year's Panda updates?

Version 2.5.2 decreased overall SBIer traffic by 8.3%!

After the FIRST Panda update, we launched a first of its kind research project ever on the Web. The project required extensive, detailed analyzing of Google's pattern changes in order to make concrete recommendations to SBIers about how to get through the shakeup.

The result?

In just the last 4 months, overall Site Build It! (SBI!) traffic has soared to all-time highs, jumping to 26%!

The bottom line?

Calm analysis and customer-focused recommendations are just another benefit of becoming an SBI! owner.

Think WordPress does this kind of research for their blogger customers? 


An equally large and in-depth effort is now underway to help our customers weather Penguin's wrath. And, like Panda, a rational study will get us through Google's occasional hiccups to even BIGGER traffic gains on the other side.

Bottom line?

It pays to be an SBIer.

WordPress Or SBI!e

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Interview The Expert- Get Contact names and phone...

Interview The Expert- Get Contact names and phone numbers of nationwide experts within 15 seconds here…
If you want to beef up your blog with awesome interviews, or create your product using the interview method, here’s the BEST info product on how to do it and it’s inexpensive.

Inside you’ll discover:

» How to use this easy 2 step interview process that can be learned in less than 5 minutes that will easily allow you to facilitate 15 to 30 minute interviews without having to  ask a million questions
» This is the right number of experts to interview to achieve  top-selling product status. Have too many, and your  product looks cheap. If you don’t have enough, you’re overcharging.
Interview The Expert- See it here:
» Why NOT narrowing the scope of your interview to only a couple of questions will DESTROY your chance of success…
» 2 sample conversations and 1 copy-and-paste email template provided for you so you can stop worrying about what to say and start lining up experts to create your product FAST
» The simple 4-step formula for contacting ANY expert that gives you the best chance for getting the interview that can be used over and over again
» Get the contact names and phone numbers for nationwide experts within 15 seconds here…
» Use one of these 5 methods to recontact your expert if they ignore your first message, almost doubling your response rate
The cool thing is just by spending a little bit of time this weekend, you can know really everything.
This is a product Marlon Sanders obtained rights to because he was so impressed with it. And he agreed to offer it to you at this preferential price.
Click Here for More on Interview The Expert:

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Your Very Own 12 Step Program To Business Success...

Here’s your 12 Step Program to Success.
Repeat after me…
1. I promise to do what this email says to do.
2. I promise to get a copy of Daven Michaels’ new book on outsourcing and delegating called, Outsource Smart.”
3. I promise to help make this book a NY Times Bestseller by telling all my business buddies about it.
4. I promise to click here now to get it.
5. I promise to be grateful for all the life-changing, business boosting, money generating tools and strategies Daven shares in the book.
6. I promise to use the FREE gonzo Facebook lead generation software, “Facebook Miner that’s included when I get the book FOR FREE.
7. I promise to go right to Step 8.
8. I promise to be super thankful for the 27 FREE Facebook tutorial and training videos that come with “Facebook Miner. ” Also FOR FREE
9. I promise to OUTSOURCE the training videos and “Facebook Miner” to my virtual assistants so they can do all the work.
10. I promise to smile because Daven just saved me 57 hours of my life and made me a boatload of cash while I did nothing and my VAs did everything.
11. I promise to get a copy of “Outsource Smart” for my friend, because he’s running around like a headless chicken in his business trying to do it all himself, and it pains me to see him suffer.
12. I really really promise to do everything this email tells me to do.
Now go get yourself a cup of coffee and a donut.
PS: Here’s my promise to you… you’ll LOVE this book and the Facebook Miner lead gen software.
You’ll get tons of warm leads, subscribers, and buyers when you use it. Get Outsource Smart and turn your biz completely around.
PPS: I also promise that this offer will go away soon, so please grab your copy of the book now so you can get “Facebook Miner” and the training Vids for free.
P.P.P.S. If you don’t have a virtual assistant yet, you can use the software, generate a TON of business and then with all the money you make you can get a virtual assistant to help you out. Good plan right!?!?