And because most business owners don't have the time to build a site themselves, they need someone to do it for them.
Let's repeat that...
"They need someone to do it for them."
The key benefit of having a SiteSell Services Specialist build their Web site is the freedom to run their business while SSS- (SiteSell Services) creates a SUCCESSFUL Web presence for them.
That's the underlying need of the "Do-It-For-Me" marketplace.
"What's in it for You" when You use SSS- (SiteSell Services).
SiteSell Services uses Site Build It!'s proven CTPM process to build you a Content packed Web site which works to bring Traffic to your business.
CTPM is the PROVEN core that sets Site Build It! and SiteSell Services apart from all other Webmasters.
What does SiteSell Services Do?
o A SiteSell Services Specialist takes care of all the technical stuff for you, from keyword research to site architecture to domain registration (and renewal), all the way to advanced management of Search Engines.
o SiteSell Services guides you through the process of identifying "searcher" demand, creating focused content to meet it, and setting up traffic-building systems.
o You know what it takes to run your LOCAL small business. SiteSell Services knows what it takes to do business on the WEB.
o Your SiteSell Services-built site will WORK. Built from the ground up, you'll reap the benefits of 10 years of Site Build It! success.
o Most small-business sites only get traffic from offline clients who already know you (or from expensive advertising). SiteSell Services makes sure you receive significant, FREE, targeted traffic from online searchers.
Local business owners are "made" for SiteSell Services.
Did you know that over 50% of offline small businesses still do not have a Web site? What about those that already have a site? They have no traffic.
Take Site Build It!'s unmatched history of success. Add trained SiteSell Specialists who can deliver the torrents of traffic...
Learn all the details>>>
Local businesses are in desperate need of what SiteSell Services has to offer. Our economy is, after all, driven by the small business owner. There are tens of millions of them.
Did you know that the prestigious Yankee Group estimates the US market for Web services will grow from 2.9 billion USD in 2005 to 4.1 billion in 2010. In their opinion...
"They will rely on professional Web services companies that can help them test, learn, optimize, maintain and enhance their online Web presence, e-commerce and online marketing, which generates a greater impact on their businesses."
"SMB marketing channels are diverse, which creates an enormous market opportunity for online marketing service providers."
Um... that's us! :-)
How about another stat?
There are over 1 BILLION local commerce-driven searches each month. 50% of online users searched for a local service vendor in the last 90 days. And THAT is only the beginning.
For SBI!, competing with local businesses is like taking candy from a baby (not that we would do THAT). :-)
The point is...
There's a ton of business to be done by local businesses now, using the Web. And THE best way to do it is with SiteSell Services. It just does NOT make sense to do it any other way. Local Webmasters just can't measure up.
OK, back to all those local small businesses...
Local business owners like,
o Plumbers
o Accountants
o Landscapers
o Real Estate Salespeople
o Lawyers
o Building Contractors
o Chiropractors
o Florists
o Hair Salons
o Restaurant Owners
o Massage Therapists
o Mortgage Brokers
o Optometrists
o Photographers
o Retail Store Owners
...They all can benefit from Sitesell Services>>>